Perspectival Anaphora
Structure & representation of mental & spatio-temporal perspective | Anaphora, Logophora | Binding vs. antecedence | Features & Agree
Syntax, semantics & typology of indexical shift & monsters | Speech- vs. (other) attitude predicates | "Monstrous agreement" | (Exceptions to) Shift Together | Syntax & semantics of intensionality | Root phenomena | Perspectival vs. indexical shift | Kaplanian context
Papers and Handouts
Indexical Shift
Anaphor Agreement Effect (AAE) | Phi-Features and Phi-Agreement | Complementizer Agreement | Modelling of Agree
Papers and Handouts DFG AAE-Project
Selective Opacity
Path-based locality | Complements vs. Adjuncts| Islands | Movement vs. Agreement | Upward vs. Downward Agree | Structure building (checking) | Structure enrichment (Valuation) | Selection
Finiteness, Case & Subjecthood
Case | EPP | Selection and Finiteness | Subject (In)Dependence vs. Overtness | Nominative vs. other cases | Structural vs. Inherent Case
OC vs. NOC | PRO vs. pro |Finiteness and case | Fallible Agree| Control as Agree (not Move) | Exhaustive vs. Partial vs. "Proxy" Control | Non-finite modality | Syntax vs. semantics
Argument Structure
Voice Alternations | Reflexives vs. Passives vs. Causatives | Structure of v | Structure of Ditransitives | Middles
Syntax of Person
Categories of Person | Privative vs. Binary Person | 1, 2 vs. 3rd Person Anaphoric Person | Person Agreement | Person vs. perspective | Person restrictions (PCC, anaphoric antecedence & -agreement)