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The project "Anaphora vs. Agreement: Investigating the Anaphor Agreement Effect", funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) has been running from June 2016 and will end soon in early 2020. It is concerned with investigating the interaction between nominal anaphora and phi-agreement on its clausemate verb across a variety of languages. For more information, including a detailed project description, click on our official project page
Primary Investigators:
Doctoral Researchers: 
  • Gurujegan Murugesan (Universität Leipzig)
  • Louise Raynaud (Georg-August Universität Göttingen)

Anaphora vs. Agreement: Investigating the Anaphor Agreement Effect 

(DFG SU 835/1; ZE 1040/3)

Homepage of Sandhya Sundaresan.  

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