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Sandhya Sundaresan

I am an Assistant Professor & the Anandavalli & Dr. G. Swaminathan Endowed Research Professor in the Department of Linguistics at Stony Brook University.
My research program explores two broad questions:
For a given grammatical phenomenon, what is the nature of interaction and division of labor between syntax and its interfaces with morphology and semantics, within a modular grammar?
What can dialectal and crosslinguistic variation tell us about how a given phenomenon should be syntactically modelled?

At a glance
Edited volume (To Appear). Glossa: The Grammar of Agree(ment) and Reference (with Hedde Zeijlstra).
Handbook article (To Appear): "Perspectival anaphora in Dravidian". Oxford Handbook of Dravidian Languages.
Article (under review), Deriving assimilation and dissimilation in syntax: phi vs. case.
Article (in prep). Aim high: when you can hyperraise, and when you can’t (with Daniel Greeson).
Monograph (in prep). The Syntax of Perspectival Anaphora, Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics, OUP.
Monograph (in prep). A new theory of indexical shift.
Teaching (Spring 2025, Office hours: T/Th 11-12.30):
LIN 431 (MW: 9:30-10.50am): Structure of an uncommonly taught language (Kannada)
LIN 621 (TTh: 11am-12.50pm): Syntax 2 (graduate)
Syntax weekly reading group (SynFL!):
Mondays 1-2pm: Department library.
Upcoming presentations:
March 24, 2025. A 3/4 paradigmatic gap in shifty pronouns. Workshop on (Universal) Paradigmatic Gaps. GLOW 47. Goettingen/Frankfurt.
April 25-27, 2025. Allocutive agreement and indexicals Shift Together, but not always (with Thomas McFadden). WCCFL 43. University of Washington, Seattle.
For more information, check out my CV. You can reach me at:
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